We align ourselves more with Ramones and Motorhead than with any of the scene you talk about. All sorts of people come to our gigs and buy our albums; just because housewives buy it does not make us a 'housewives' band. We would rather just be a great band than part of some pigeonhole invented by the press because we wore black clothes for two weeks in 1985.
-2. “Temple Of Love” has been your biggest success ever. It is the song that everyone knows...Do you mind that?
Not at all, it is a song we still like and still play. Other songs have sold a similar amount of copies, though. And we think that the newer songs stand up with them.
-3. People whether love you or hate you. Why?
Because all the best things polarise opinion.
-4. Do you intend to release any new material in the near future? And could that be a cd or a free download, like Trent Reznor did?
We have no plans to at the moment, because it costs an awful lot of money to record an album, and do it properly. And we're not as rich as Trent. The fans distribute the newer songs on the internet freely, and people would if we brought out a new album, but the difference is that if we spent nine months in a studio recording it, then it would leave us seriously out of pocket.

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