-1. “Rebel Extravaganza” was a very extreme and technical black metal record. Since then, it sounds that Satyricon have changed. Many may argue that the sound became more commercial...Is that true?
Frost: We have gotten better at doing what we do, that’s the basic change that has happened. Therefore we are able to structure our songs more firmly and we are able to get better productions. This, in turn, makes our music more accessible. Our driving force, however, is always our passion for music and our will to improve as artists; commercial thinking has no place in Satyricon. But whoever feels that Satyricon has gotten a more commercial sound, is free to think so. The question is not whether something is commercial or not, but whether it is actually good or not. The music will speak for itself, won’t it?
-2. Where does your latest record “The Age of Nero” stands?
Frost: The Age of Nero is a dark, intense and muscular album. It is in our opinion the ultimate achievement for Satyricon so far.
-3. Nowadays, how do you see the Black Metal scene?
Frost: I have no opinions on the scene that I feel like voicing; I am rather occupied with what counts, and this is performing music. Analysis has become the great plague of the entire metal culture. People MEAN so much about bands and the scene, but seem to ignore the true substance, which is the musical experience.
-4. You have won Norwegian Grammys, you headlined The Inferno Festival, you are famous. What else Satyricon wish to achieve?
Frost: Those achievements you refer to are hardly achievements at all. They are just signs of acknowledgement. Our TRUE achievements are our albums and the powerful tool that Satyricon has become. So what else do we want to achieve..? I say like Aleister Crowley: exceed, always exceed!