Η ώρα ειναι 01:30 και η ουρά έξω από το Second Skin φτάνει μέχρι την Ιερά Οδό. Μπαίνω μέσα και ενώ αισθάνομαι κάποιες τύψεις για αυτούς που περιμένουν στο δρόμο, συνειδητοποιώ ότι είναι τόσο πήχτρα που πραγματικά δεν χωρούσαν. Μια κοκκαλιάρα χορεύτρια λικνίζεται ανεβασμένη στα decks. Κατεβαίνω κάτω στο υπόγειο και βλέπω μια τύπισα που τη μαστιγώνουν. Σε λίγο θα εμφανιστεί η κούκλα Satomi που έχει και πολύ όμορφο tattoo στα οπίσθια της. Επιδίδεται σε περίτεχνο bondage, αρχικά πάνω της και μετά σε 3 τυχερούς θεατές. Τους κάθησε και τους έδεσε. Μετά άρχισε να καρφιτσώνει κάτι 50ευρα πάνω της και κάπου εκεί τελείωσε το νουμερό της. Συνέχεια με δυνατή, πολύ καλή μουσική μέχρι το επόμενο performance. Τα decks και τον dj τώρα πλαισιώνουν δύο πολύ σέξι Ελληνίδες γυμνόστηθες χορεύτριες του Second Skin. Η Syban με το freak σόου της απλά δε μου άρεσε. Τον Lucas δυστυχώς δεν τον πρόλαβα, γιατί ήμουν κουραστένη και δεν υπήρχε και χώρος να σταθώ πουθενά, οπότε έφυγα...Άντε και του χρόνου.

Yes, Torture Garden Athens has become an annual tradition, and one of thefew places in the world that we do regular events. Every country has its own special vibe and scene, and its own take on fetish clubbing, and so TG in Athens is unique. From the beginning we've had a great reaction from the crowds and the press in Greece, and there seems to be a really strong attraction to fetish and alternative fashion, music, art and performance, and so it's become one of our favorite countries to visit. Over the last few years we've seen the events become bigger, and the crowds evolve from mostly goth, industrial and alternative to become more interested in fetish and body art. It's great to see a new scene evolve and grow.
-2. Body & Performance Art, Sex, S&M, Fashion, Music. What T.G. stands for?
Yes, all that and more. Perhaps more than anything else Torture Garden is about freedom of self expression, to be who you want to be, to dress up and really be yourself, and explore your desires and fantasies. So many people spend their lives repressed. That's why at its best the crowd are the stars at Torture Garden.
-3.Can you introduce, briefly, the artists that are going to perform at Second Skin?
The crowds really love and respond to the performances in Athens, and we have another fantastic line-up this year:
-LADY ANE ANGEL: is a Berlin Cabaret style Burlesque and Fire Performer that has a fantastic Absinth themed show.
-INI THE DOLL: an Athens based aerial performer.
-SYBAN: creates twisted freak show performances, using piercing and surreal imagery.
-SATOMI: is known as Tokyo Love Doll and is a modern Geisha Dominatrix and creates beautiful performances exploring Japanese Bondage and suspension whilst blindfolded.
-LUKAS ZPIRA: is one of the modern pioneers of the Body Modification scenes and will perform a body hook suspension with his partner Satomi.
-4. Dave, how will you describe T.G. to someone that has no clue about it?
Torture Garden is the world's largest Fetish, Body Art & Fantasy Club. It's like an adult fantasy dress party. A place to dress up and explore your desires. It's like stepping into a scene from a film a fantasy. But it's also a great clubbing experience and a fun party for people that want to see fantastic shows, challenging art, listen to great music, see amazing visuals, and meet incredible people.
-5. Is this a party strictly for fetishists? What sort of people are welcome?
Torture Garden has always mixed Fetish with other underground scenes, so it's fetish, but also Body Art, Goth / Industrial, Cyber, Burlesque, cutting edge Fashion, Electro Freak etc. So it's a mixed crowd and scene. But if you're not dressing up you're missing the whole point of it. Don't come to watch, come to be part of it and really experience it in the flesh!
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